Late one today, but here it is nonetheless.
This week introduces the first step in getting emails working. That is, confirmation and introductory emails upon registering so you can validate your address, plus it lets you know some handy links to get your account sorted. As of writing this, they don’t work yet, as I’m trying to get the provider to enable the functionality, but once that’s done with emails will be functional. The intent here is, initially, to allow for password resetting but later on it can serve to inform users of important site updates, changes to terms, notifications of messages and so forth.
Other than emails, I’ve improved security some and generally made SSL certificates and how they’re distributed a little more robust. There’s a few internal housekeeping improvements and development improvements that have been made too, but you’ll mostly likely not notice those.
Also as of writing this, some additional YouTube video functionality is being introduced. Namely, the ability to close a video on the client’s side. This means you can hide a video you don’t want to see without affecting it for anyone else. Next week should see more improvements around YouTube, such as options to stop playing them in the first place and being able to mute them.
So as always, create an account and start chatting. Your feedback is what will keep JumpInChat improving!